Please Support Ohio River Foundation

On this page you can make a donation, give a gift in honor, in memory, and become a member, or renew a membership. You may also Adopt-A-Mussel or donate stocks or other securities via our Other Ways To Help pages.

We know how important water is to you. Reducing pollution, restoring habitat, educating and training the next generation of environmental stewards, and ensuring clean water for you and millions of fellow citizens, all keeps us working on your behalf.

But we can’t do it without you. Please support ORF with your most generous tax-deductible donation using the form below.

Please also consider being a monthly giver!

Donation Type
Matching Gifts
Gift/Honorarium/Memoriam (optional)
Billing Information
Credit Card
How Did You Hear About Us?

Your Donation Makes a Big Impact

$25 can provide food for the freshwater mussel “ambassadors” we use in our Mussels in the Classroom program.

$100 can buy water quality equipment to enable us to identify pollution problems.

$500 can help 50 students be River Explorers for a day of learning in a river or creek.

$1,000 can plant 500 native trees to restore critical habitat and help keep our water clean.

Donations to ORF are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Donate by Mail

If you prefer to mail a check, please address it to:
Ohio River Foundation
Attn: Membership Department
4480 Classic Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45241

Donate by Phone

To make your donation by phone, call: 513-460-3365