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Donate Today

Help make birth control accessible over the counter.

The Contraceptive Access Initiative (CAI) was founded in 2020 by five veterans of reproductive health and rights to advocate and campaign for a long-overdue and huge advancement for reproductive health: the FDA approval of the over-the-counter birth control pill — at an affordable price and without delay or restrictions.

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Check Payment Instructions

If electronic payments are not an option, we will accept funds sent to our account lockbox. Please make your check payable to “Hopewell Fund.” In the memo line of the check or in a cover note accompanying it, please write "Contraceptive Access Initiative." Checks that arrive without a project designation may be considered general support for the organization if we are unable to determine the project for which they are intended.

Mail your check to our secure lockbox facility at:
Hopewell Fund
PO Box 38068
Baltimore, MD 21297-8068